Live Stream of Bishop Vitus Huonder's Funeral

According to his wishes, expressed several times, Bishop Vitus Huonder will be buried at the seminary of Écône, “near the bishop who suffered so much for the Church,” he specified. The pontifical funeral Mass will be celebrated on Wednesday, April 17, at 9:30am (CEST), followed by the burial in the seminary vault.
On April 3, 2024, Wednesday in Easter Week, Bishop Vitus Huonder surrendered his soul to God after a short illness, which he knew with full lucidity would be fatal.
It was on the feast of St. Joseph, March 19, that he entered the hospital. And it was on Monday, March 25, the normal day the Church celebrates the Annunciation, that the diagnosis was given. From then on, Bishop Huonder showed himself to be perfectly docile to the ways of Providence, ceaselessly offering his sufferings for the Holy Church.
He also showed constant gratitude toward the Society of Saint Pius X and particularly toward the Institut Sancta Maria de Wangs, where he was able to spend his last years in the profound joy of again carrying out his ministry as a pastor of souls and as an admirable example of prayer and love of the sanctuary.
We recommend the repose of his soul to your constant prayers so that he may attain eternal bliss as quickly as possible.
Follow the funeral ceremony of Bishop Huonder in Écône live:
(Source : Séminaire Saint-Pie X – FSSPX.Actualités)