Fifteen Minutes in Company of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament

Sometimes we do not know what to say in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Saint Anthony Mary Claret comes to our help and guides our prayer.

It is not necessary, my son, to know a lot to please Me; it is enough to love Me with fervor. Speak to Me, simply like you would speak to your closest friend.

Do you need to make Me any supplication in favor of somebody?

Tell Me his name and tell Me what you want Me to do for him now. Request much! Don’t hesitate in requesting. I like the generous hearts that end up somewhat to forget themselves, to meet the needs of the others. Speak this way to Me, with simplicity, about the poor you wanted to console, of the sick you see suffering, of the misplaced ones that you yearn to return to the good way, of the absent friends that you wanted to see again with you. Ask Me with a friendly word for all of them, beloved and fervent word. Remember that I promised to hear any appeal that comes from the heart, and do not leave the heart that pray for those your heart especially loves?

And for you, do you not need any grace?

Make Me, if you want a list of your necessities, and come, read it in My presence. Tell Me openly that you feel arrogance, love to the sensuality, that you are perhaps selfish, fickle, negligent...; and ask Me to come to help the efforts, few or many, that you make to remove of you such miseries. Do not be ashamed, poor soul! There are so many righteous, so many Saints in heaven that had exactly the same defects! But they humbly begged...; and gradually they were free of them. And also do not hesitate to request for spiritual and corporal goods: health, memory, success in your works, business or studies. I can give all that, and I give it freely, and I wish you ask, as long as it is not opposed, but rather encourage and help your sanctification.

And today, what do you need?

What can I do for you? If you knew how much I wish to help you! Do you bring any project right now? Tell it to Me. What is bothering you? What do you think? What do you want? What can I do for your brother, what your sister, your friends, your family, for your superior? What would you want Me to do for them?

And what’s about Me?

Don't you wish I may be glorified? Don't you want to be able to do something good to your neighbors, to your friends that you love a lot, but are living without thinking about Me? Tell Me what particular thing called your attention today, what you yearn more vividly, through which means you have to achieve it? Tell Me, if your project is not successful, and I will mention the reasons for the failure. Wouldn’t you want to be interested in your favor? My son, I am the owner of the hearts, and sweetly I take them, without damage of their freedom, wherever I want.

Do you maybe feel sadness or bad mood?

Tell Me, tell Me, forlorn soul, your sadness with all their details. Who did hurt you? Who did hurt your pride? Who has rejected you? Come closer to my Heart that has an effective balm to cure all those wounds of yours. Give Me details of everything, and you will end up shortly telling Me that, to likeness of Me, you forgive everything, you forget all, and as a reward, you will receive my comforting blessing. Is there something that you fear? Do you feel in your soul those vague melancholies that far from being groundless, they leave of being harrowing? Throw yourself in my arms of providence. I am with you; here, you have Me by your side; I see it all, I hear it all, neither a moment I abandon you. Do you feel deviation on behalf of people that before loved you well, and now they move away from you, without giving you the smallest reason? Pray for them, and I will return them to your side, if they are not an obstacle to your sanctification.

And don't you have something happy, perhaps, to communicate to Me?

Why don't you make Me participant since I am your special friend? Tell Me how your heart has felt consoled and smiley, since yesterday, since the last visit you made Me. You have maybe had pleasant surprises, you have maybe been dissipated black mistrust, you have maybe received happy news, some letter or a sign of affection; you have conquered some difficulty, or solved a complicated problem. I've done all that, and I have provided it to you: why shouldn't you show Me your gratitude, and tell Me simply, as a son does to his father: «Thank you, my Father, thank you! »? The gratefulness brings with itself new benefits because the benefactor likes to be corresponded.

Do you have a promise to make Me?

I read, you already know it, in the bottom of your heart. Men are deceived easily; God is not. Speak to Me, then, with all sincerity. Do you have firm resolution of not exposing yourself to that sin occasion again? of depriving you of that object that damaged you? of not reading again that book that exalted your imagination? of not treating again that person that upset the peace of your soul? Will you be sweet, kind and condescending again with that person that, because having lacked you, you have considered until today as an enemy? Now then, my son; return to your usual occupations, to the shop, to the family, to the study...; but don't forget the fifteen minutes of pleasing conversation that we have had both here, in the solitude of the sanctuary. Keep, as soon as you can, silence, modesty, withdrawal, resignation, charity with the neighbor.

Love my Mother, who is also yours, the Blessed Virgin, and return again tomorrow with the most loving heart, more surrendered to my service. In my Heart, you will find every day new love, new benefits and new consolations.

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