On the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Our religious life is always in danger of becoming superficial, habitual, and even external. But our Lord is a God of the heart, He wants our heart. Also in this regard, devotion to Mary's Heart is a wonderful help to true interiority.
St. Louis-Mary of Montfort calls Mary “Queen of Hearts”.
This title means first of all that the Kingship of Mary, like the Kingdom of Christ, is something inward. Mary is the Queen of the Universe, but what she desires above all is to lead our hearts, our souls, to God. No man or angel knows the value of the souls created by God as well as she does. Above all, she sees in souls the grace that makes them living images of God, vessels of light and love. And how dearly Jesus and she had purchased souls.
She desires souls because God has given her the grace to educate them for the spiritual life, to purify them, to sanctify them, and lead them to union with God. Mary, the mother of Jesus, as mediatrix of graces, has the honorable task of giving birth to her Son in the children of the unfortunate Eve. Oh, if only we could see our heavenly Mother in the fulfillment of this sublime task, how she purifies our souls and instills graces, how she helps them to attain the virtues! With what admiration we would be filled and with what emphasis we would show her our gratitude!
Mary is the Queen of Hearts to sanctify our hearts, to win them here on earth for the love of God and to prepare them for eternal beatitude. She has been called the great conqueror of hearts. In Heaven, it will be one of our great joys to contemplate the holy zeal, the patient efforts, and the gentle perseverance of our Mother with which she brought us to the decision to surrender ourselves to her.
The heart cannot be taken by storm like a fortress; it gives itself to whom it wants and when it wants. This fact shows how serious our life is. Salvation depends on the decision of our free will! God stimulates our hearts through salutary fear, hope, or love to draw it to Himself. Mary uses her virtues, especially the maternal goodness of her heart, to invite it into her Kingdom of Grace. Satan, on the other hand, creates illusions for our hearts and wants to tie them to false goods. But in the end, the heart remains free, giving itself to whom and how it wants.
Mary is therefore only Queen of those hearts that correspond to her love and are ready to let themselves be led by her. This readiness of free will is a wonderful homage to her goodness.
According to the measure of our readiness to give ourselves to her heart, she can help us and thus we may call Mary the Queen of our hearts. Thus we may confidently pray to her in the words of St. Louis Mary: “Hail Mary, my Lady, my good, Queen of my heart”.
Her Immaculate Heart revealed in Fatima will lead us to the purity of heart, interiorize our prayer life, and inflame our love for God and neighbor. Let us trust in her maternal goodness!
Let us help Mary to save souls through our prayers and sacrifices, and let us console her Immaculate Heart, which today is so heavily offended. Our Lady will never allow herself to be surpassed in generosity toward us!