18 Rules Over Technology
The 18 Rules:
- On sacred grounds and during sacred events, turn off your device.
- Half an hour after morning prayers and before night prayers, no technology.
- The neighbor you are with is always more important than the one on the device.
- No device at the dinner table.
Rules Over Children
- Do not give children any smartphone, tablet or computer.
- Without your presence and supervision, no technology for children.
- Always assume that children know more than you about technology.
- No internet connection without its report, and no device without its filter.
Our Relationship with Technology
- Except for business reasons, stay away from social media, video games and virtual reality.
- Do not take pictures of people without their consent.
- Never take selfies.
- Do not blame people for not responding, respect them and never harass them.
- Do not be a contact detail passer.
- While in public, avoid calling, surfing, and texting without necessity.
- Do not shout when talking on the phone.
- Do not multitask.
- Do not forward without necessity.
- Disconnect as much as you can, and contemplate this reality and its Creator.